Get your life back

You felt alive.You had fire in your bones.Purpose pulsed through your veins.Your heart pumped with exhilaration.Your vision was magnificent and scary.You were captivated by the possibilities.You eagerly sacrificed your safety and comfort.Helping others gave strength you hadn’t yet known.You felt the whole pleasure of God deep in your core.Then awful things happened that turned you inside out.

And life is
Still spiraling

  • You lost the plot and identify as the antagonist in your own story.

  • you've turned against yourself

  • You’ve grown dependent on other people to interpret reality and tell you what's true about you

  • you're terrified of yourself or hurting others if you trust your own instincts.

  • It feels like an alien lives in you. Your head is foggy and heavy. There’s a buzz in your body. Someone else behind your eyes.

  • you know you need help from a community, but you don't know who or how to trust.

  • Every relationship you’ve been in has required you to surrender your personal power or compromise your life's purpose.

that is hell on earth

But what if you didn’t have to suffer in silence and isolation anymore?What if you had a guide who’s been where you are and has made it through?what if you could get relief without the risk of sharing your pain with unsafe people?What if you didn’t feel the need to get anyone else's permission to take action?What will the world look like if you felt free to release your purpose into it?What will the world look like if you don’t heal enough to do it?And What if you could do it in 9 months ?

Not only is it possible, it’s probable.